- "Nonsmooth analysis on partial ordered vector spaces'',
11th Intern. Symp. on Math. Programming (Bonn, Germany - August, 1982).
- "On the duality approach optimization'', 11th Intern. Symp.
of Math. Programming (Bonn, Germany - August, 1982).
- "Equilibrium in large squares economies'', N.S.F. Colloquium
on ''Equilibrium Theory'' (Yale University - April, 1983).
- "Infinite dimensional exchange economies'', Intern. Conf. on
Multifunctions and Integrands (Taormina, Italy - June, 1983).
- "Extreme points of multifunctions, integral functionals and
applications'', Wabash Seminar in Analysis (Wabash, Indiana, October
- "Stochastic nonsmooth analysis'', Optimization Days, (Montreal,
Canada - May, 1984).
- "Stochastic nonsmooth analysis and optimization in Banach spaces'',
3rd International Conference on Semi-Infinite Programming (Cambridge,
England - September, 1984).
- "Efficiency and optimality in large square economies'', Conference
on Optimization and related fields (Erice, Italy - September, 1984).
- "Differential inclusions and their applications'', lectures
at the University of Montreal (CRVIA) during the academic year 1984-1985
which was devoted in ''Nonlinear Analysis'' (January, 1985).
- "Applications of nonsmooth analysis in approximation theory'',
Conference on Optimization theory, (Rungen-Sellin, GDR - March, 1985).
- "Existence and stability results for differential inclusions
in Banach spaces'', 7th M.T.N.S. Conference, (Stockholm, Sweden -
June, 1985).
- "Pareto efficiency in infinite dimensional spaces'', Conference
on Parametric optimization (Plaue-Thuringen, GDR - October, 1985).
- "Pareto efficiency and optimal allocations'', 24th CDC Conference
(Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - December, 1985).
- "Measurable multifunctions and their applications to convex
integral functions'', Special session in ''Theoretical Optimization'',
A.M.S. Meeting (San Antonio, Texas - January, 1987).
- "Optimal control of linear and nonlinear distributed parameter
systems'', 8th MTNS Conference (Phoenix, Arizona - June, 1987).
- "Optimal control and relaxation of nonlinear distributed parameter
systems'', Special Session on ''Theoretical Optimization'', A.M.S.
Meeting (Atlanta, Georgia - January, 1988).
- "Necessary conditions for optimality in nonlinear distributed
parameter systems'', Workshop on Optimization (Davis, California -
November, 1988).
- "On the relation between relaxability and performance stability
for control systems governed by nonlinear evolution equations'', Conference
on Well-posedness and Stability of Optimization Problems and Related
Topics (Sofia, Bulgaria - March, 1989).
- "Relaxation and optimal control for nonlinear distributed parameter
systems'', IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Control Systems, (Capri, Italy
- June, 1989).
- "On the sensitivity and relaxability of optimal control problems
governed by nonlinear evolution equations'', Conference on Parametric
Optimization and related topics II (Eisenbach, GDR - June,1989).
- "Optimal control for a class of nonlinear distributed parameter
systems with state constraints'', l4th conference on System Modelling
and Optimization (Leipzig, GDR - July, 1989).
- "Well-posedness and relaxability of infinite dimensional optimal
control problems'', NITNS Conference, (Amsterdam, Holland - June,
- "Optimal control and relaxation of evolution equations'', A.M.S.
Nleeting in Louisville (Louisville, Kentucky - January, 1990).
- "On the optimal control, relaxation and variational stability
of distributed parameter systems'', Conference on New Trends in Systems
Theory, (Genova, Italy - July, 1990).
- "Optimal control of nonlinear evolution equations'', (with
E. Averginos), Conference on Differential Equations and Optimal Control,
(Edinburg, Texas - May, 1991).
- "Optimal control, relaxation and variational stability of evolution
equations'', MTNS Conference, (Kobe, Japan - June, 1991).
- "Mathematical models of economic dynamics'', (Genova, Italy
- September, 1991).
- "On a class of multivalued Volterra integral equations'', (with
S. Aizicovi), AMS Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, January 1992, (presented
by S. Aizicovici).
- "Mathematical models of economic dynamics with uncertainty'',
Colloquium talk at the Ohio University, Department of Mathematics,
Athens, Ohio, March 1992.
- "Volterra integral inclusions with applications in optimal
controls'', (with S. Aizicovi), ''World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts''
- Tampa, Florida, August 19-26, 1992 (presented by S. Aizicovici).
- "Optimal control problems governed by Volterra integral inclusions'',
Conference on Optimal Control and Differential Equations, Athens,
Ohio, March 25-27, 1993 (presented by S. Aizicovici).
- "Evolution inclusions and optimal control'', International
Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam, India, August 23-28, 1993.
- "Optimal control of nonlinear evolution equations'', Workshop
on Well-posedness and Stability in Optimization, Sozopol, Bulgaria,
September 13-17, 1993.
- "Nonlinear evolution inclusions and optimal control'', Invited
talk at the Conference on ``Control of Distributed Parameter and Stochastic
Systems'', June 19-22, 1998, Hangzhou, China.