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(1) ``A class of infinite dimensional linear programming
problems'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 87, (1982), pp. 225-242.
(2) ``Nonsmooth analysis on partially ordered vector spaces. Part 1: Convex case'', Pacific J. Math. 107, (1983), pp. 403-459. (3) ``Nonsmooth analysis on partially ordered vector spaces. Part 2: Nonconvex case'', Pacific J. Math. 109, (1983), pp. 463-498. (4) ``Fixed point theorems for multifunctions in metric and vector spaces'', Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 7, (1983), pp. 763-770. (5) ``Random fixed point theorems for multifunctions'', Mathematica Japonica 29, (1984), pp. 93-106. (6) ``Caratheodory convex integral operators and probability theory'', Pacific J. Math. 116, (1985), pp. 155-184. (7) ``On the efficiency and optimality of random allocations'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 105, (1985), pp. 115-136. (8) ``Fuzzy topology and fuzzy multifunctions'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 102, (1985), pp. 397-425. (9) ``On the theory of Banach space-valued multifunctions. Part 1: Integration and conditional expectation'', J. Multivariate Anal. 17, (1985), pp. 185-206. (10) ``On the theory of Banach space-valued multifunctions. Part 2: Set-valued martingales and set-valued measures'', J. Multivariate Anal. 17, (1985), pp. 207-227. (11) ``On the abstract conditional expectation'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 111, (1985), pp. 35-48. (12) ``Pareto efficiency in locally convex spaces I'', Numerical Funct. Anal. and Optim. 8, (1985), pp. 83-116. (13) ``Pareto efficiency in locally convex spaces II: Stability results'', Numerical Funct. Anal. and Optim. 8, (1985), pp. 117-136. (14) ``On the integral theory of Ioffe's fans'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 113, (1986), pp. 148-162. (15) ``Efficiency and optimality in economies described by coalitions'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 116, (1986), pp. 497-512. (16) ``Integral functionals in Souslin locally convex spaces'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 113, (1986), pp. 544-561. (17) ``Representations of set-valued operators'', Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 292, (1985), pp. 557-572. (18) ``Trajectories of set-valued integrals'', Bull. Austr. Math. Soc. 31, (1985), pp. 389-411. (19) ``Stochastic nonsmooth analysis and optimization in Banach spaces'', Proceedings of the 3rd conference on ''Infinite Programming'', Cambridge, U.K. (1984), eds. E. Anderson and A. Philpott, Lecture Notes in Economics and Math. Systems, Vol. 259, pp. 126-242. (20) ``Existence and stability results for differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', Proceedings of the 7th Intern. Conf. on the Math. Theory of Networks and systems, Stockholm (1985), eds. C. Byrnes and A. Lindquist, North Holland (1986), pp. 469-479. (21) ``On the efficiency and optimality of allocations II'', SIAM J. Control and Optim. 24, (1986), pp. 452-479. (22) ``Convergence in nonsmooth analysis and optimization'', (with D. Kandilakis), J. Approx. Theory 49, (1987), pp. 41-54. (23) ``Random fixed point theorems for measurable multifunctions in Banach spaces'', Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 97, (1986), pp. 507-514. (24) ``Weak solutions of differential equations in Banach spaces'', Bull. Austr. Math. Soc. 33, (1986), pp. 407-418. (25) ``Kneser's theorem for differential equations in Banach spaces'', Bull. Austr. Math. Soc. 33 (1986), pp. 419-434. (26) ``Nonsmooth analysis on partially ordered vector spaces: The subdifferential theory'', Nonlinear Analysis - T.M.A. 10, (1986), pp. 615-637. (27) ``Existence theorems for differential inclusions with nonconvex right-hand side'', Intern. Jour. Math. and Math. Sci. 9, (1986), pp. 459-469. (28) ``Random differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', J. Diff. Equations 65, (1986), pp. 287-303. (29) ``A stability result for differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 118, (1986), pp. 232-246. (30) ``Properties of the solution and attainable sets of differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', Radovi Mathematicki 2, (1986), pp. 247-261. (31) ``Flow invariance and viability for differential inclusions'', Applicable Anal. 21, (1986), pp. 235-243. (32) ``On the separation of closed, convex sets'', Comm. Math. Univ. Carol. 27, (1986), pp. 221-226. (33) ``Cournot-Nash equilibria in generalized qualitative games with an atomless measure space of agents'', (with M.A. Khan), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 100, (1987), pp. 505-510. (34) ``Convergence and approximation results for measurable multifunctions'', (with R. Lucchetti and F. Patrone), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 100, (1987), pp. 551-556. (35) ``On measurable multifunctions with applications to random multivalued equations'', Math. Japonica 32, (1987), pp. 437-464. (36) ``On multivalued evolution equations and differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', Commentarii Math. Univ. Sancti Pauli 36, (1987), pp. 21-39. (37) ``On the attainable set of differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 125, (1987), pp. 305-322. (38) ``On Cesari's property (Q)'', J. Optim. Theory and Appl. 53, (1987), pp. 259-268. (39) ``Existence of optimal controls for nonlinear systems in Banach spaces'', J. Optim. Theory and Appl. 53, (1987), pp. 451-459. (40) ``On the optimality and Pareto efficiency of allocations'', Proc. of the 24th Conference on Decision and Control, December 1985, Ft. Lauderdale, I.E.E.E., pp. 431-434. (41) ``On the existence of solutions for random differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', (with D. Kandilakis), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 126, (1987), pp. 11-23. (42) ``Convergence theorems for Banach space-valued integrable multifunctions'', Intern. J. Math. and Math. Sci. 10, (1987), pp. 433-442. (43) ``On Cournot-Nash equilibria in generalized games with a continuum of players'', (with M.A. Khan), Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 11, (1987), pp. 741-755. (44) ``On the solution set of differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', Applicable Analysis 25, (1987), pp. 319-329. (45) ``A quasilinear Volterra integral equation in Banach spaces'', Applicable Analysis 25, (1587), pp. 159-170. (46) ``A relaxation theorem for differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', Tôhoku Math. Journ. 39, (1987), pp. 505-517. (47) ``Deterministic and random fixed point theorems for single-valued and multivalued functions'', Rev. Roumaine de Math. Pures et Appl. 32, (1987), pp. 465-474. (48) ``Contributions to the theory of set-valued functions and set-valued measures'', Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 304, (1987), pp. 245-265. (49) ``On quasilinear differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', Bull. Polish. Acad. Sci. 35, (1987), pp. 407-415. (50) ``On the existence of bounded solutions for differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', Tamkang Jour. of Math. 18, (1987), pp. 353-360. (51) ``On the theory of functional-differential inclusions of neutral type in Banach spaces'', Funkc. Ekvac. 31, (1988), pp. 103-120. (52) ``Volterra integral inclusions in Banach spaces'', J. Int. Eqns. and Appl. 1, (1988), pp. 65-81. (53) ``Nonsmooth analysis and approximation'', (with D. Kandilakis), J. Approx. Theory 52, (1988), pp. 10-33. (54) ``A convergence theorem for set-valued supermartingales in a separable Banach space'', Stoch. Anal. Appl. 5, (1988), pp. 405-422. (55) ``A random Volterra integral inclusion in Banach spaces'', Stoch. Anal. Appl. 5, (1987), pp. 423-442. (56) ``On measurable multifunctions with stochastic domain'', J. Austr. Math. Soc. Ser. A 44, (1988), pp. 23-36. (57) ``Viable and periodic trajectories for differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', Kobe Journal of Math. 5, (1988), pp. 29-42. (58) ``On bounded solutions of differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 135, (1988), pp. 29-42. (59) ``Random fixed points and random differential inclusions'', Intern. J. Math. and Math. Sci. 11, (1988), pp. 551-560. (60) ``Integrals of families of vector-valued functions'', Tamkang J. of Math. 19, (1988), pp. 65-71. (61) ``A property of the solutions set of differential inclusions in Banach spaces with a Caratheodory orientor field'', Applicable Analysis 27, (1988), pp. 279-287. (62) ``Convergence theorems for fixed points of multifunctions and solutions of differential inclusions in Banach space'', Glasnik Matematicki 23, (1989), pp. 247-267. (63) ``Decomposable sets in the Lebesgue-Bochner spaces'', Comm. Math. Univ. Sancti Pauli 37, (1988), pp. 49-62. (64) ``Random nonlinear evolution inclusions in reflexive Banach spaces'', (with E. Avgerinos), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 104, (1988), pp. 293-299. (65) ``Existence and convergence results for integral inclusions in Banach spaces'', J. of Integral Eqns. and Appl. 2, (1988), pp. 265-285. (66) ``Contributions to the theory of functional-differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', Radovi Matematicki 4, (1988), pp. 81-98. (67) ``Differential inclusions with state constraints'', Proc. of the Edinburgh Math. Soc. 32, (1988), pp. 81-97. (68) ``Existence of solutions for nonlinear random operator equations in Banach spaces'', (with D. Kravvaritis), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 141, (1989), pp. 235-248. (69) ``Multivalued perturbations of subdifferential-type evolutions equations in Hilbert spaces'', (with D. Kravvaritis), J. Diff. Equations 76, (1988), pp. 238-255. (70) ``Random functional-differential inclusions with nonconvex right-hand side in a Banach space'', Comm. Math. Univ. Carol. 28, (1988), pp. 249-254. (71) ``Optimal control of linear and nonlinear distributed parameter systems'', Proc. of the 8th M.T.N.S. Conference, North Holland, eds. C. Byrnes and C. Martin, pp. 175-181. (72) ``On the optimal control and relaxation of infinite dimensional control systems'', Annali di Mat. Pura ed Appl. Vol. CLIV, (1989), pp. 259-279. (73) ``Properties of the relaxed trajectories of evolution equations and optimal control'', SIAM J. Control Optim. 27, (1989), pp. 267-288. (74) ``Hereditary control systems governed by integrodifferential equations'', J. Differential and Integral Equations 2, (1989), pp. 285-299. (75) ``Boundary value problems for evolution inclusions'', Annales Polonici Math. Vol. L, (1989), pp. 129-135. (76) ``On multivalued evolution equations in Hilbert spaces involving time varying subdifferentials'', Math. Japonica 34, (1989), pp. 287-296. (77) ``Optimal control for a class of nonlinear evolution equations'', Intern. Jour. of Control 49, (1989), pp. 1581-1600. (78) ``Measurable multifunctions and their applications to convex integral functionals'', Intern. Jour. Math. and Math. Sci. 12, (1989), pp.175-192. (79) ``Infinite horizon optimal control problems for semilinear evolution equations'', (with E. Avgerinos), Applicable Analysis 31, (1989), pp. 267-278. (80) ``On the solution set of differential inclusions with state constraints'', Applicable Analysis 31, (1989), pp. 279-289. (81) ``On the existence of optimal controls for systems governed by evolution inclusions in separable Banach spaces'', J. Optim. Theory and Appl. 64, (1990), pp. 563-584. (82) ``Existence of solutions for integral inclusion of Urysohn-type with nonconvex valued orientor field'', J. Optim. Theory and Appl. 64, (1990), pp. 207-215. (83) ``An existence theorem for an optimal control problem in Banach spaces'', (with E. Avgerinos), Bull. Australian Math. Soc. 39, (1989), pp. 239-248. (84) ``A random nonlinear multivalued evolution equation in Hilbert space'', (with D. Kravvaritis), Colloquium Math. LVI, (1989), pp. 129-141. (85) ``On multivalued semilinear evolution equations'', Bolletino Unione Mat. Italiana (7) 3-B, (1989), pp. 1-16. (86) ``On the existence and sensitivity analysis of optimal capital accumulation paths in continuous time, infinite horizon models'', (with E. Flytzanis), J. Austr. Math. Soc. Ser. B, 32, (1989), pp. 273-283. (87) ``Functional-differential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonconvex right-hand side'', Funck. Ekvac. 32, (1989), pp. 145-156. (88) ``Convergence and representation theorems for set-valued random processes'', Stochastic Analysis and Appl. 7, (1989), pp.187-210. (89) ``On the properties of the Aumann integral with applications to differential inclusions and control systems'', (with D. Kandilakis), Czechoslovak Math. Jour. 39 (1), (1989), pp. 1-15. (90) ``Existence of best approximations in spaces of random sets'', Comm. Math. Univ. Sancti Pauli 38, (1989), pp. 1-10. (91) ``Existence of optimal controls for nonlinear distributed parameter systems'', Funkc. Ekvac. 32, (1989), pp. 429-437. (92) ``On the continuity of the vector-valued and set-valued conditional expectations'', Intern. J. of Math. and Math. Sci. 12, (1989), pp. 477-486. (93) ``Viable solutions for evolution inclusions'', (with E. Avgerinos), Radovi Matematicki 5, (1989), pp. 161-170. (94) ``On the existence of optimal controls for a class of nonlinear infinite dimensional systems'', (with E. Flytzanis), Mathematische Nachrichten 150, (1991), pp. 203-217. (95) ``On infinite dimensional control systems with state and control constraints'', Proc. of the Indian. Acad. Sciences 100, (1990), pp. 65-77. (96) ``Relaxation and optimal control of nonlinear distributed parameters systems'', Proc. of the IFAC Conference on ``Nonlinear Control Systems'', Pergamon Press, London (1989), pp. 309-312. (97) ``Relaxation of infinite dimensional control systems'', Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 13, (1989), pp. 1283-1293. (98) ``On the existence of monotone and slow solutions for differential inclusions'', (with E. Flytzanis), Intern. J. of System Sci. 20, (1989), pp. 2241-2249. (99) ``On a paper by Khan and Majumdar'', Jour. Math. Anal. Appl. 150, (1990), pp. 574-578. (100) ``Optimality conditions for systems with insufficient data'', (with A. Papageorgiou), Journ. of the Math. Society of Japan, 42 (3), (1990), pp. 387-397. (101) ``Pareto optimality for nonlinear infinite dimensional control systems'', (with E. Avgerinos), Intern. J. Math. and Math. Sci. 13, (1990), pp. 233-242. (102) ``Relaxation of infinite dimensional variational and control problems with state constraints'', Kodai Math. Journal 12, (1989), pp. 392-420. (103) ``Optimal control of nonlinear evolution inclusions'', J. Optim. Theory Appl. 67, (1990), pp. 321-354. (104) ``Properties of the trajectories of set-valued integrals in Banach spaces'', Bull. Austr. Math. Soc. 41, (1990), pp. 271-281. (105) ``On the well-posedness and relaxability of nonlinear distributed parameter systems'', in Proceedings of the 9th MTNS Conference, eds. Kaashoek, et al., Birkhäuser, Boston, (1990), pp. 355-362. (106) ``Nonconvex and nonmonotone perturbations of evolution inclusions of subdifferential type'', Periodzca Math. Hungarica 21, (1990), pp. 167-177. (107) ``Evolution inclusions with nonconvex-valued orientor fields'', Bulletin Mathematique 34, (1990), pp. 63-74. (108) ``On transition multimeasures with values in a Banach space'', Studia Mathematica 97, (1990), pp. 37-51. (109) ``Deterministic and random Volterra integral inclusions'', Pucblications de l'Institute Mathematique 46, (1989), pp. 101-113. (110) ``On the sensitivity and relaxability of optimal control problems governed by nonlinear evolution equations with state constraints'', (with E. Avgerinos), Monatschefte für Mathematik 109, (1990), pp. 1-23. (111) ``Weak convergence and weak compactness for multifunctions with values in a separable Banach space'', Proceedings of the A.M.S. 109, (1990), pp. 677-687. (112) ``On U(·)-invariance for finite and infinite dimensional control systems'', (with E. Averginos and E. Flytzanis), Acta Matematica Hungarica 59, (1992), pp. 309-318. (113) ``A remark on the well-posedness of the problem of minimization of integral functionals'', J. Optim. Theory Appl. 65, (1990), pp. 171-178. (114) ``On the measurable selection approach to random differential inclusions, fixed point theory and optimization'', Jour. Math and Physical Sciences 24, (1990), pp. 331-345. (115) ``A convergence result for a sequence of distributed parameter optimal control problems'', J. Optim. Theory Appl. 68, (1991), pp. 305-320. (116) ``Variational stability of infinite dimensional optimal control problems'', (with E. Avgerinos), Dynamics and Stability of Systems 6, (1991), pp. 17-32. (117) ``On functional differential inclusions with state constraints'', Tamkang J. Math 21, (1990), pp. 251-259. (118) ``Properties of measurable multifunctions with stochastic domain and their applications'', (with D. Kandilakis), Math. Japonica 35, (1990), pp. 629-643. (119) ``On the existence of f-minimal viable solutions for a class of differential inclusions'', Serdica 15, (1989), pp. 287-292. (120) ``Volterra integrodifferential inclusions in reflexive Banach spaces'', Funkc. Ekvac. 34, (1991), pp. 257-277. (121) ``Optimal control of nonlinear evolution equations with memory'', Glasnik Matematicki 26, (1991), pp. 117-129. (122) ``Relaxability and well-posedness for infinite dimensional optimal control problems'', Problems of Control and Information Theory 20, (1991), pp. 203-218. (123) ``On the dependence of the solutions and optimal solutions of control problems on the control constraint set'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 158, (1991), pp. 427-447. (124) ``Radon-Nikodym theorems for multimeasures and transition multimeasures'', Proceedings of the A.M.S. 111, (1991), pp. 465-474. (125) ``Existence of monotone, y-minimal solutions for differential inclusions'', Publ. de l'Institute Math 49, (1991), pp. 76-82. (126) ``Sensitivity analysis of evolution inclusions and its applications to the variational stability of optimal control problems'', Houston J. Math 16, (1990), pp. 509-522. (127) ``On the trajectories of controlled evolution inclusions'', Comm. Math. Univ. S.P. 39, (1990), pp. 53-67. (128) ``Existence of optimal controls for a class of nonlinear distributed parameter systems'', Bulletin of the Australian Math. Soc. 43, (1991), pp. 211-224. (129) ``Optimality conditions for a class of nonlinear distributed parameter systems'', (with E. Flytzanis), Indian Jour. Pure and Appl. Math. 21, (1991), pp. 29-42. (130) ``Nonconvex perturbations of evolution equations with m-dissipative operators in Banach spaces'', (with E. Avgerinos), Comm. Math Univ. Carolinae 30, (1989), pp. 657-664. (131) ``Weak convergence of random sets in Banach spaces'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 164, (1992), pp. 571-589. (132) ``On evolution inclusions associated with time-dependent convex subdifferentials'', Comm. Math Univ. Carolinae 31, (1990), pp. 517-527. (133) ``Continuous dependence results for a class of evolution inclusions'', Proc. of the Edinburgh Math. Soc. 35, (1992), pp. 139-158. (134) ``On the relation between relaxability and performance stability for optimal control problems governed by nonlinear evolution equations'', Intern. Journ. of Systems Sci. 22, (1991), pp. 237-259. (135) ``Optimal control and relaxation for a class of nonlinear distributed parameter systems'', (with E. Averginos), Osaka Journ. of Math. 27, (1990), pp. 745-767. (136) ``On the optimal control of strongly nonlinear evolution equations'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 164, (1992), pp. 83-103. (137) ``On the optimal control and relaxation of finite dimensional systems driven by maximal monotone differential inclusions'', Problems of Control and Information Theory 20, (1991), pp. 445-255. (138) ``Optimal control of nonlinear evolution equations'', Publicationes Math. Debrecen 40, (1992), pp. 41-51. (139) ``A boundary value problem for a class of evolution inclusions'', (with D. Kravvaritis), Comm. Math Univ. S.P. 40, (1991), pp. 29-37. (140) ``Nonlinear Volterra integrodifferential evolution inclusions and optimal control'', Kodai Math. Journal 14, (1991), pp. 254-280. (141) ``Necessary conditions for optimality in a class of distributed parameter control systems with state constraints'', Radovi Mathematicki 7, (1991), pp. 151-166. (142) ``On the convergence properties of measurable multifunctions with values in a separable Banach space'', Proc. Indian. Acad. Sci. 101, (1991), pp. 63-70. (143) ``An existence theorem for an optimal economic growth problem with infinite planning horizon'', (with D. Kravvaritis), Applied Math and Computation 44, (1991), pp. 249-259. (144) ``Optimal control of nonlinear elliptic systems'', Japan Journal of Applied Math. 8, (1991), pp. 525-550. (145) ``A note on a nonlinear variational problem'', J. Math and Phys. Sciences 26 (1992), pp. 175-181. (146) ``Multivalued Volterra integral equations in Banach spaces'', (with S. Aizicovici), Funkc. Ekvac. 36 (1993), pp. 275-301. (147) ``Fixed point theorems for measurable multifunctions with stochastic domain'', Indian Journ. of Pure and Applied Math 22, (1991), pp. 1-9. (148) ``Existence of solutions for integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces'', Comm. Math. Univ. Carol. 32, (1991), pp. 687-696. (149) ``Existence of solutions for boundary value problems of semilinear evolution inclusions'', Indian Journ. of Pure and Applied Math. 23, (1992), pp. 477-488. (150) ``A minimax optimal control problem for evolution inclusions'', Yokohama Math. Journal 39, (1991), pp. 1-19. (151) ``On the solution set of maximal monotone differential inclusions in Ân'', (with E. Avgerinos), Mathematica Japonica 38, (1993), pp. 91-110. (152) ``On the solution set of evolution inclusions driven by time dependent subdifferentials'', Mathematica Japonica 37, (1992), pp. 1087-1099. (153) ``On the solution set of nonlinear evolution inclusions'', (with S. Hu and V. Lakshmikantham), Dynamic Systems and Applications 1, (1992), pp. 71-82. (154) ``Extremal solutions of functional-differential inclusions'', (with S. Hu and V. Lakshmikantham), J. Math. Analysis and Appl. 173 (1993), pp. 430-435. (155) ``On the existence of weakly maximal programs for a multisector economy with consumption'', Applied Mathematics and Computation 48, (1992), pp. 177-186. (156) ``On the optimal control of a class of nonlinear evolution equations'', (with D. Kravvaritis), International Journal of Systems Sci. 23 (8), (1992), pp. 1245-1259. (157) ``An existence theorem for a class of nonlinear elliptic optimal control problems'', Comm. Math. Univ. Carol. 32, (1991), pp. 273-279. (158) ``On integral inclusions of Volterra-type in Banach spaces'', Czechoslovak Math. Journal 42 (117), (1992), pp. 693-714. (159) ``On the existence of solutions for random functional-differential equations in Banach spaces'', Bulletin Mathematique 36, (1992), pp. 25-34 (160) ``A viability result for nonlinear, time-dependent evolution inclusions'', Yokohama Mathematical Journal 40, (1992), pp. 73-86. (161) ``On the existence and sensitivity analysis of optimal paths in an economic growth model with infinite planning horizon'', Mathematical and Computer Modelling 16, (1992), pp. 17-23. (162) ``On the topological regularity of the solution set of differential inclusion with constraints'' , (with S. Hu), J. of Differential Equations 107 (1994), pp. 280-289. (163) ``Optimal control of nonlinear evolution equations with nonmonotone nonlinearities'', J. Optim. Theory and Appl. 77 (1993), pp. 643-660. (164) ``Minimax control of maximal monotone differential inclusions in ÂN'', Intern. J. of Systems Sci. 23 (1992), pp. 2253-2264. (165) ``Existence and variational problems for nonlinear evolution inclusions'', Mathematica Japonica 38 (1993), pp. 433-443. (166) ``Maximal monotone differential inclusions with memory'', Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences 102, (1992), pp. 59-71. (167) ``Existence of solutions for second order evolution inclusions'', Bulletin Mathematique 38 (1994), pp. 77-89. (168) ``Minimization of nonsmooth integral functionals'', (with A. Papageorgiou), Intern. J. Math. and Math. Sci. 15, (1992), pp. 673-680. (169) ``Existence of solutions for hyperbolic differential inclusions in Banach spaces'', Archivum Mathematicum 28 (1992), pp. 205-213. (170) ``On the solution set of a class of nonlinear evolution inclusions'', Kodai Math. Journal 15, (1992), pp. 387-402. (171) ``On the existence of periodic solutions for a class of nonlinear evolution inclusions'', (with S. Hu), Bolletino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 7B (1993), pp. 591-605. (172) ``Extremal solutions of evolution inclusions associated with time dependent convex subdifferentials'', Mathematische Nachrichten 158, (1992), pp. 219-232. (173) ``Optimal control of a class of degenerate nonlinear evolution equations'', Publications de I'Institute Math 51 (65), (1992), pp. 125-135. (174) ``Maximal elements for nonordered preferences'', Applied Math Letters 5, (1992), pp. 7-9. (175) ``Properties of the solution set of evolution inclusions driven by time independent subdifferentials'', Commentationes Math. Univ. Carol. 33 (2), (1992), pp. 197-204. (176) ``Fixed points and best approximations for measurable multifunctions with stochastic domain'' , Tamkang J. Math. 23, (1992), pp. 197-203. (177) ``Extremal solutions to a class of multivalued integral inclusions in Banach space'', (with S. Aizicovici), J. Applied Math. Stoch. Anal. 5, (1992), pp. 205-220. (178) ``Optimal control and relaxation of nonlinear evolution equations'', (with E. Avgerinos), in Partial Differential Equations, eds: J. Wiener and J. Hale, Longman, Essex, United Kingdom (1992), pp. 185-191. (179) ``On the properties of multimeasures with values in a Banach space'', Commentationes Math XXXII, (1992), pp. 111-121. (180) ``Evolution inclusions of the subdifferential type depending on a parameter'', (with D. Kandilakis), Commentationes Math. Univ. Carol. 33 (3), (1992), pp. 437-449. (181) ``On the ``bang-bang'' principle for nonlinear evolution inclusions'', Aequationes Math 45 (1993), pp. 267-280. (182) ``On Walras allocations in infinite dimensional economies'', Applied Math. Letters 6 (1993), pp. 3-6. (183) ``Convergence theorems for set-valued martingales and semimartingales'', Analysis Mathematica 18, (1992), pp. 283-293. (184) ``Existence of support prices for a discrete time growth model with uncertainty'', (with D. Kravvaritis and G. Pantelides), Applied Math and Computation 53 (1993), pp. 27-43. (185) ``Continuous dependence results for subdifferential inclusions'', Zeitshrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 12 (1993), pp. 137-152. (186) ``A property of the solution set of nonlinear evolution inclusions with state constraints'', Math. Japonica 38 (1993), pp. 559-569. (187) ``Discrete time optimal control under uncertainty'', Revue Roumaine des Mathematiques Pures et Appl. 38 (1993), pp. 789-799. (188) ``Optimal capital accumulation paths for growth models with infinite planning horizon and nonconvex technologies'', (with D. Kravvaritis and G. Pantelides), Internat. J. Systems Sci. 24 (1993), pp. 1339-1348. (189) ``Optimization of controlled evolution equations under indeterminacy conditions'', Intern. Jour. of Systems Sci. 24 (1993), pp. 2303-2319. (190) ``Optimization of discrete-time, stochastic systems'', Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 24, (1993), pp. 1-13. (191) ``Optimal control of nonlinear, second order evolution equations'', Glasnik Matematicki 27 (1992), pp. 297-311. (192) ``On quasilinear evolution inclusions'', (with E. Avgerinos), Glasnik Matematicki 28 (1993), pp. 35-52. (193) ``Time optimal control for infinite dimensional linear systems'', Indian J. Pure and Applied Math. 24 (1993), pp. 155-164. (194) ``Optimal programs for a continuous time, infinite horizon growth model'', (with D. Kravvaritis and G. Pantelides), Indian J. Pure and Appl. Math. 24 (2), (1993), pp. 77-86. (195) ``Optimal programs and their price characterization in a multisector growth model with uncertainty'', Proceedings of the A.M.S. 122 (1994), pp. 227-240. (196) ``On the solution set of nonlinear evolution inclusions depending on a parameter'', Publicationes Math Debrecen 44 (1994), pp. 31-49. (197) ``Sensitivity analysis of a discrete-time, multisector growth model with uncertainty'', (with D. Kravvaritis), Stochastic Models 9 (1993), pp. 157-177. (198) ``Infinite dimensional parametric optimal control problems'', (with S. Aizicovici), Mathematische Nachrichten 162 (1993), pp.17-38. (199) ``Weakly maximal programs for a multisector growth model'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 183 (1994), pp. 624-630. (200) ``On the solution set of nonconvex subdifferential evolution inclusions'', Czechoslovak Math. Jour. 44 (1994), pp. 481-500. (201) ``On the existence of weakly maximal optimal stationary programs for an infinite dimensional growth model'', Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo XLII (1993), pp. 20-29. (202) ``Convexity of the orientor field and the solution set of a class of evolution inclusions'' , Mathematica Slovaca 43 (5) (1993), pp. 593-615. (203) ``Optimal control and relaxation of systems governed by Volterra integral equations'' (with S. Aizicovici), Proc. of the First World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, ed. by V. Lakshmikantham, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (1996), pp. 2617-2625. (204) ``On y-minimal, P-monotone trajectories of nonautonomous differential inclusions in ÂN'', (with S. Hu), Proc. of the First World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, ed. by V. Lakshmikantham, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (1996), pp. 2441-2448. (205) ``On best approximations in the Lebesgue-Bochner space L1(X)'', Tamkang J. Math. 24 (1993), pp. 303-307. (206) ``On nonconvex valued Volterra integral inclusions in Banach spaces'', Czechoslovak Math. Journ. 44 ( 1994), pp. 631-648. (207) ``Periodic solutions of nonconvex differential inclusions'', Appl. Math. Letters 6 (1993), pp. 99-101. (208) ``Weakly maximal stationary programs for a discrete time stochastic growth model'', (with G. Pantelides), Japan Jour. Indust. Appl. Math. 10 (1993), pp. 471-486. (209) ``Boundary value problems for nonconvex differential inclusions'', (with D. Kravvaritis), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 185 (1994), pp. 146-160. (210) ``Sensitivity analysis for a continuous time infinite horizon growth model'', Applied Math. and Comp. 66 (1994),pp. 210-229. (211) ``A sensitivity analysis of Volterra integral inclusions with applications to optimal control problems'', (with S. Aizicovici), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 186 (1994), pp. 97-119. (212) ``Viability theorems for nonautonomous differential inclusions with nonconvex domain'', Mathematica Japonica 40 (1994), pp. 67-77. (213) ``On the properties of the solution set of nonconvex evolution inclusions of the subdifferential type'', Comm. Math. Univ. Carol. 34 (1993), pp. 673-687. (214) ``Controllability of infinite dimensional systems with control constraints'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 186 (1994), pp. 523-533. (215) ``On Fatou's Lemma and parametric integrals for set-valued functions'', J. Math. Anal. Appl. 187 (1994), pp. 809-825. (216) ``A strong relaxation theorem for maximal monotone differential inclusions with memory'', Archivum Math. 30 (1994), pp. 227-235. (217) ``Optimal control sensitivity analysis and relaxation of maximal monotone integrodifferential inclusions in ÂN'', Periodica Math. Hungarica 27 (1993), pp. 163-183. (218) ``The methods of upper and lower solutions and monotone iterative technique for impulsive differential equations with variable moments'' (with V. Lakshmikantham and J. Vasundhara Devi), Applicable Analysis 51 (1993), pp. 41-58. (219) ``Parametric relaxation for evolution inclusions of the subdifferential type'', Intern. J. Systems Sci. 25 (1994), pp. 1707-1725. (220) ``Delay differential inclusions with constraints'' (with S. Hu), Proceedings of the AMS 123 (1995), pp. 2141-2150. (221) ``Boundary value problems and periodic solutions for semilinear evolution inclusions'', Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 35 (1994), pp. 325-336. (222) ``Galerkin approximations for nonlinear evolution inclusions'' (with S. Hu), Comm. Math. Univ. Carol. 35 (1994), pp. 705-720. (223) ``Cone-valued Lyapunov functions and stability theory'' (with V. Lakshmikantham), Nonlinear Analysis - TMA 22 (1994), pp. 381-390. (224) ``On the topological properties of the solution set of evolution inclusions involving time dependent subdifferential operators'', Bollettino dell' UMI 9B (1995), pp. 359-374. (225) ``On the properties of the solution set of semilinear evolutions inclusions'' (with S. Hu and V. Lakshmikantham), Nonlinear Anal. - TMA 24 (1995), pp. 1683-1712. (226) ``A continuous version of the relaxation theorem for nonlinear evolution inclusions'', Houston J. Math 20 (1994), pp. 685-704. (227) ``On the null-controllability set, minimal time function and time optimal control for finite dimensional systems'', (with S. Hu and V. Lakshmikantham), in Inequalities and Applications, ed. R. Agarwal, World Scientific Publ. Co., Singapore (1994), pp. 325-344. (228) ``On the conditional expectation and convergence properties of random sets'', Transactions of AMS 347 (1995), pp. 2495-2515. (229) ``Support prices for weakly maximal programs of a growth model with uncertainty'', Comm. Math. Univ. Carol. 35 (1994), pp. 581-595. (230) ``Transition vector measures and multimeasures and parametric set-valued integrals'', Rocky Mountain J. Math 27 (1997), pp. 1-12. (231) ``On parametric evolution inclusions of the subdifferential type with applications to optimal control problems'', Transactions of AMS 347 (1995), pp. 203-231. (232) ``Minimax control of nonlinear evolution equations'', Applied Math and Computation 68 (1995), pp. 217-236. (233) ``Generalizations of Browder's degree theory'' (with S. Hu), Transactions of AMS 347 (1995), pp. 233-259. (234) ``Periodic solutions of nonlinear evolution inclusions'' (with V. Lakshmikantham), Jour. Comput. Appl. Math. 52 (1994), pp. 277-286. (235) ``Identification of parameters in systems governed by nonlinear evolution equations'', Publicationes Math. Debreen 48 (1994), pp. 1-23. (236) ``Optimization of parametric controlled nonlinear evolution equations'', Yokohama Math. Jour. 42 (1994), pp. 107-120. (237) ``Mild solutions of semilinear evolution inclusions and optimal control'', Indian Jour. Pure Appl. Math. 26 (1995), pp. 189-216. (238) ``On the existence of periodic solutions for nonconvex valued differential inclusions in ÂN'' (with S. Hu), Proceedings of AMS 123 (1995), pp. 3043-3050. (239) ``Convex integral functionals'', Transactions of AMS 349 (1997), pp. 1421-1436. (240) ``Optimal control and admissible relaxation of uncertain nonlinear elliptic systems'', Jour. Math. Anal. Appl. 197 (1996), pp. 27-41. (241) ``Random evolution inclusions of the subdifferential type'' (with F. Papalini), Stochastic Anal. Appl. 15 (1997), pp. 801- 822. (242) ``On nonlinear, nonconvex evolution inclusions'' (with S. Hu), Kodai Math. Jour. 18 (1995), pp. 169-186. (243) ``On periodic solutions of functional-differential inclusions in ÂN'' (with N. Shahzad), Dynamics of Discrete, Continuous and Impulsive Systems - to appear. (244) ``On the variational stability of a class of nonlinear parabolic optimal control problems'', Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 15 (1996), pp. 245-262. (245) ``Topological properties of the solution set of integrodifferential inclusions'', Comm. Math. Univ. Carol. 36 (1995), pp. 429-442. (246) ``On nonconvex functional evolution inclusions involving m-dissipative operators'' (with T. Cardinali - F. Papalini), Czechoslovak Math. Jour., 47 (1997), pp. 135-148. (247) ``Infinite horizon, continuous time growth models'' (with D. Kravvaritis), Intern. J. Systems Sci. 27 (1996), pp. 373-378. (248) ``Properties of the solution set of nonlinear evolution inclusions'' (with N. Shahzad), Applied Math. Optim., 36 (1997), pp. 1-20. (249) ``Existence and strong relaxation theorems for nonlinear evolution inclusions'' (with N. Shahzad) Yokohama Math. Jour. 43 (1995), pp. 73-88. (250) On the structure of the solution set of evolution inclusions with time dependent subdifferentials'' (with F. Papalini), Rendiconti del Seminario Mathematico di Padova, 97 (1997), pp.163-186. (251) ``Periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution inclusions'' (with D. Kandilakis), Archivum Math., 32 (1996), pp. 195-209. (252) ``Extremal periodic solutions for nonlinear parabolic equations with discontinuities'' (with D. Kravvaritis), Rendiconti dell' Istituto di Matematica, Trieste, 17 (1996), pp. 117-135. (253) ``A class of nonlinear boundary value problems for second order vector differential equations'' (with A. Fiacca, F. Papalini), Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico, Modena 46 (1998), pp. 149-164. (254) ``On retarded evolution inclusions of the subdifferential type'' (with F. Papalini), Annales Univ. Scientiarum Budapest 39 (1996), pp. 35-49. (255) ``Extremal solutions for nonlinear parabolic problems with discontinuities'' (with T. Cardinali - A. Fiacca), Monatshefte für Mathematik 124 (1997), pp. 119-131. (256) ``On the existence of solutions for nonlinear parabolic problems with monotone discontinuities'', J. Math. Anal. Applic., 205 (1997), pp. 434-453. (257) ``Optimal control and admissible relaxation of subdifferential evolution inclusions'' (with T. Cardinali), Periodica Math. Hungarica 33 (1996), pp. 1-22. (258) ``An existence theorem for evolution inclusion involving opposite monotonicities'', Nonlinear World 3 (1996), pp. 237-251. (259) ``Periodic solutions for nonlinear Volterra integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces'' (with D. Kandilakis), Comm. Math. Univ. Carol., 38 (1997), pp. 283-296. (260) ``Differential variational inequalities in ÂN'' (with E. Avgerinos), Indian J. Pure and Appl. Math., 28 (1997), pp. 1267-1287. (261) ``On the existence of extremal periodic solutions for nonlinear parabolic problems with discontinuities'' (with E. Avgerinos), Jour. Diff. Equations, 132 (1996), pp. 179-201. (262) ``Existence theorems for nonlinear boundary value problems for second order differential inclusions'' (with D. Kandilakis), Jour. of Diff. Equations, 132 (1996), pp. 107-125. (263) ``Minimal solutions for nonlinear parabolic problems with unilateral constraints'' (with F. Papalini - S. Vercillo), Houston J. Math., 23 (1997), pp. 189-201. (264) ``On maximal monotone differential inclusions in ÂN'' (with N. Shahzad), Acta Math. Hungarica 78 (1998), pp. 165-187. (265) ``On the existence of optimal controls for nonlinear infinite dimensional systems'' (with A. Fiacca - F. Papalini), Czechoslovak Math. Jour., 48 (1998), pp. 291-312. (266) ``On a nonstationary discrete time infinite horizon growth model with uncertainty'' (with F. Papalini - S. Vercillo), Comm. Math. Univ. Carol. 38 (1997), pp. 193-202. (267) ``On evolution inclusions driven by m-accretive operators'', Pure Math. and Applic. 7 (1996), pp. 139-163. (268) ``Almost sure convergence and decomposition of multivalued random process'' (with E. Avgerinos), Rocky Mountain J. Math., 29 (1999), pp.401-435. (269) ``Evolution inclusions involving a difference term of subdifferentials'', Indian Jour. Pure and Appl. Math. 28 (1997), pp. 575-610. (270) ``Time dependent subdifferential evolution inclusions and optimal control'' (with S. Hu), Memoirs of the AMS, No.632. (may 1998) (271) ``Nonlinear periodic problems with nonmonotone discontinuities'', (with D. Kandilakis), Proc. Edinburg Math. Soc., 41 (1998). pp. 117-132. (272) ``Extremal solutions and relaxation for second order vector differential inclusions'', (with E. Avgerinos), Archivum Math, 34 (1998), pp. 427-434. (273) ``Periodic problems and problems with discontinuities for nonlinear parabolic equations'', (with T. Cardinali), Czechoslovak Math. Jour. - to appear. (274) ``Periodic solutions for nonconvex differential inclusions'', (with S. Hu - D. Kandilakis), Proc. AMS, 127, pp.89-94. (275) ``Existence theory for nonlinear distributed parameter optimal control problems'', Japan Jour. Indust. Appl. Math. 12 (1995), pp. 457-485. (276) ``On the solution set of nonlinear integrodifferential inclusions in ÂN'', (with T. Cardinali - A. Fiacca), Math. Japonica, 46 (1997), pp. 117-127. (277) ``Existence and relaxation theorems for nonlinear multivalued boundary value problems'', (with E. Avgerinos), Applied Math. and Optim., 39 (1999), pp.257-279. (278) ``On Hammerstein integral inclusions'',(with N. Yannakakis), invited paper for the special volume ``Integral Equations'' (ed. R. Agarwal), World Scientific (1999), pp.279-293. (279) ``Nonlinear nonmonotone evolution inclusions'', (with F.Papalini-N.Yannakakis), invited paper on the special issue on ``Nonlinear Operator Theory'' (ed. D. O'Regan), Mathematical and Computer Modeling 32 (2000), pp.1345-1365. (280) ``Existence of solutions and periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution inclusions'', Rend. Circolo Mat.Palermo, 48 (1999), pp.341-364. (281) ``Extremal periodic solutions for quasilinear differential equations'',(with N.Halidias), Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, 41 (1998), pp.23-37. (282) ``On maximal monotone differential inclusion in Ân '',(with N.Shahzad), Acta Math. Hungarica , 78 (1999), pp.175-19. (283) ``Periodic solutions for second order differential inclusions with non convex and unbounded multifunctions '', (with E.Avgerinos-N.Yannakakis), Acta Math. Hungarica , 83 (1999), pp.303-314. (284) ``On nonlinear elliptic problems with discontinuites'',(with N. Kourogenis), PU.M.A , 8 (1997), pp.323-334. (285) ``Existence and relaxation results for nonlinear second order multivalued boundary value problems in Rn '',(with N.Halidias), J.Diff.Equations, 147(1998), pp.123-154. (286) ``Second order multivalued boundary value problems '',(with N. Halidias ), Achivum Math , 34 (1998), pp.267-284. (287) `` Discontinuous quasilinear elliptic problems at resonance'',(with N. Kourogenis), Colloquium Math. , 78 (1998), pp.213-223. (288) ``On a class of quasilinear differential equations: The Neumann problems '',(with N. Kourogenis), Methods and Appl. of Analysis , 5 (1998), pp.273-282. (289) ``Solutions and periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution equations with non-monotone perturbations '', (with E.Avgerinos), Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen , 17 (1998), pp.859-875. (290) `` Hammerstein integral inclusions in reflexive Banach spaces'',(with T. Cardinali), Proc. AMS, 127 (1999), pp.95-103. (291) `` On functional differential inclusions of Volterra-type'',(with ), New Zealand J.Math,28 (1999), pp.77-87. (292) ``Degree theory for composed multifunctions '',(with S.Hu), Acta Sci. Math (Szeged),65(1999), pp.319-338. (293) ``Nonlinear boundary value problems'',(with N.Yannakakis), Proc.Indian Acad Sci ,109 (1999), pp.211-230. (294) ``Three nontrivial solutions for a quasilinear elliptic differential equation at resonance with discontinuous right hand side '',(with N. Kourogenis), J.Math. Anal. Appl. , 238 (1999), pp.477-490. (295) ``Multiple solutions for nonlinear discontinuous elliptic problems near resonance '', (with N. Kourogenis), Colloquium Math , 81 (1999), pp.89-99. (296) ``Existence of solutions for nonlinear parabolic problems '',(with N. Halidias), Archivum Math, 35 (1999), pp.255-274. (297) ``Nonconvex evolution inclusions generated by time-dependent subdifferential operators '',(with K.Arseni-N. Halidias), J.Appl.Math. Stoch. Anal. , 12 (1999), pp.233-252. (298) ``Periodic solutions for quasilinear differential equations with discontinuous nonlinearities '',(with N.Kourogenis), Acta Math. Sci.(Szeged) ,65 (1999), pp.529-542. (299) ``Existence of solutions for quasilinear second order differential inclusions with nonlinear boundary conditions '',(with N. Halidias), J.Comput.Appl.Math. ,113 (2000), pp.51-64. (300) ``Periodic solutions for quasilinear vector differential equations with maximal monotone terms '', (with N. Kourogenis), Discussiones Math-Differential Inclusions , 17 (1997), pp.67-82. (301) ``Nonlinear eigenvalue problems with discontinuities '',(with S.Hu-N. Kourogenis), J.Math. Anal. Appl. , 233 (1999), pp.406-424. (302) ``A weak nonsmooth Palais-Smale condition and coercivity '',(with N. Kourogenis), Rend.Gircolo Math. Palermo -to appear. (303) ``Nonsmooth critical point theory and nonlinear elliptic equations at resonance '', (with N. Kourogenis), J. Australian Math. Soc (Ser. A) 69 (2000), pp.245-271. (304) ``Existence theorems for quasilinear multivalued boundary value problems in Ân '', (with N. Kourogenis), Glasgow Math Jour 42 (2000), pp.359-369. (305) ``Extremal solutions and strong relaxation for nonlinear periodic evolution inclusions '', (with N. Yannakakis), Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 43 (2000), pp.1-18. (306) ``Nonlinear hemivariational inequalities at resonance '', (with L. Gasinski), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 244 (2000), pp. 200-213. (307) ``Existence of solutions and of multiple solutions for eigenvalue problems of hemivariational inequalities '',(with L. Gasinski), Advances in Math. Sci. Appl. -to appear. (308) ``Multiple solutions for nonlinear hemivariational inequalities near resonance '', (with L. Gasinski ), Funkcialaj Ekracioj 43 (2000), pp. 271-284. (309) `` Neumann problems for elliptic equations with discontinuities'',(with S. Hu-N. Matzakos), Atti del Seminario Mathematico e Fisico di Modena -to appear. (310) ``Quasilinear vector differential equations with maximal monotone terms and nonlinear boundary conditions '', (with R. Bader), Annales Polonici Math. 73 (2000), pp.69-92.. (311) `` Optimal control of a class of nonlinear parabolic problems with multivalued terms'',(with N. Matzakos-N. Yannakakis ), Set Valued Analysis with Applications to Nonlinear Analysis eds R.Agarwal-D.O'Regan, Gordon.Breach-to appear. (312) ``Nonlinear boundary value problems with multivalued terms'',(with N. Matzakos), Set Valued Analysis with Applications to Nonlinear Analysis eds R.Agarwal-D.O'Regan, Gordon.Breach-to appear. (313) ``Nonlinear parametric evolution inclusions'',(with N. Yanakakis), Math. Nochrichten-to appear. (314) ``Optimization and relaxation of nonlinear elliptic control systems'' ,(with N. Kuurogenis), Japan Jour. Industrial Appl. Math 17 (2000), pp. 1-27 (315) ``Existence of extremal periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution inclusions'', (with N. Yanakakis), Archivum Math-to appear. (316) ``Existence and multiplicity results for nonlinear eigenvalue problems with discontinuities'', (with F. Papalini), Annales Polonici Math-to appear. (317) ``An existence theorem for nonlinear hemivariational inequalities at resonance'', (with L. Gasinski), Bull. Australian Math. Soc 63 (2001), pp. 1-14 (318) ``Solutions and multiple solutions for quasilinear hemivariational inequalities at resonance'', (with L. Gasinski), Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh (Mathematics)-to appear. (319) ``Nonlinear elliptic differential equations with multivalued nonlinearities'', (with A. Fiacca, N. Matzakos, R. Servadei), Czechoslovak Math. Jour-to appear. (320) ``Minimax control of nonlinear evolution equations'', (with N. Yanakakis), J. Math. Anal. Appl.-to appear. (321) ``Multiple solutions for nonlinear discontinuous strongly resonant elliptic problems'', (with N. Kourogenis), J. Math. Soc. Japan 53 (2001) pp.17-34 (322) ``Existence periodic solutions for quasilinear ordinary differential equations with discontinuities'', (with N. Matzakos), Diff. Eqns and Dynamical Systems-to appear.