3236 L 374 Mathematical Finance
The Black-Scholes model implies that financial markets are complete and all risk can be hedged by trading in the underlying asset and the risk-free rate. However, the reality is completely different: markets are usually incomplete and risk cannot be hedged perfectly. The aim of this seminar is to provide a comprehensive understanding of hedging in incomplete financial markets. We wish to study different hedging criteria, e.g. mean variance, utility-indifference, or semi-static hedging, for market models driven by Lévy processes or in stochastic volatility models.
The seminar will be based on the book:
Calendar, Topics and Speakers
- 01.11.12: Chapter 2: Stochastic Calculus, §2.1–2.2 (Papapantoleon)
- 01.11.12: Chapter 3: Arbitrage and Completeness (Saplaouras)
- 15.11.12: Chapter 4: Asset Price Models, § 4.1 (Razouk)
- 15.11.12: Chapter 4: Asset Price Models, § 4.2 (Zotmann)
- 29.11.12: Chapter 5: Static Hedging (Freitag)
- 29.11.12:
- 13.12.12: Chapter 6: Mean-Variance Hedging, § 6.1–6.3 (Hinterberger)
- 13.12.12: Chapter 6: Mean-Variance Hedging, § 6.4–6.5 (Singh)
- 10.01.13: Chapter 7: Entropic Valuation and Hedging, § 7.1–7.3 (Wardenga)
- 10.01.13: Chapter 7: Entropic Valuation and Hedging, § 7.4–7.5 (Heinrich)
- 24.01.13: Chapter 8: Hedging Constraints, § 8.1–8.4 (Hagenlueke)
- 24.01.13: Chapter 8: Hedging Constraints, § 8.4–8.6 (Yahyaoui)
- 07.02.13: Chapter 9: Optimal Martingale Measures, § 9.1–9.2 (Gland)
- 07.02.13: Chapter 9: Optimal Martingale Measures, § 9.3–9.5 (Tessmann)