CM3 Lab was founded in 2016 and is a core research unit within the Department of Mathematics of the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the National Technical University of Athens.
CM3 Lab engages in cutting-edge research activity within the broad areas of Applied and Computational Mathematics, providing cutting-edge expertise in:
- Mathematical Modelling
- Numerical Analysis
- Scientific Computing
- Control Theory
- Stability Theory
- Partial Differential Equations
- Matrix Analysis
- Inverse Problems
- Approximation Theory
- High Performance Computing
CM3 Lab includes 8 faculty members, all of whom are leading experts in their research areas, as well as a number of PhD students. CM3 Lab members have a wide network of collaborations with other academic units worldwide, as well as industrial beneficiaries motivated by a wide range of problems in Applied Sciences and Engineering, and have attracted competitive funding from both Greek and European funding agencies.