Undergraduate Courses
Probability-Statistics, 2019-2020 (course syllabus)
- Undergraduate Course, 4th Semester, School of Civil Engineering
Mathematical Statistics, 2024-2025 (course syllabus)
- Undergraduate Course, 6th Semester, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Data Analysis, 2024-2025 (course syllabus)
- Undergraduate Course, 6th Semester, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences and also School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  Postgraduate Courses
Bayesian Statistics and MCMC, 2024-2025 (course syllabus)
- Postgraduate Course of the MSc programs "Applied Mathematical Sciences" and "Mathematical Modeling in Modern Technologies and Financial Engineering"
Computational Statistics and Stochastic Optimization, 2024-2025 (course syllabus)
- Postgraduate Course of the MSc programs "Applied Mathematical Sciences" , "Mathematical Modeling in Modern Technologies and Financial Engineering" and "Data Science and Machine Learning"
Programming Tools and Technologies for Data Science, 2024-2025 (course syllabus)
- Postgraduate Course of the MSc program "Data Science and Machine Learning"
Created By: Dimitris Fouskakis