Δημοσιεύσεις με κρίση σε Περιοδικά

  1. Fouskakis, D. and Draper, D. (1999)
    Tabu Search - Book review. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series D, 48, 616-619.
  2. Draper, D. and Fouskakis, D. (2000)
    A case study of stochastic optimization in health policy: problem formulation and preliminary results. Journal of Global Optimization, 18, 399-416.
  3. Gunnell, D., Harrison, G., Rasmussen, F., Fouskakis, D. and Tynelius, P. (2002)
    Associations between pre-morbid intellectual performance, early-life exposures and early onset schizophrenia: a cohort study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 181, 298-305.
  4. Fouskakis, D. and Draper, D. (2002)
    Stochastic optimization: a review. International Statistical Review, 70, 315-349.
  5. Harrison, G., Fouskakis, D., Rasmussen, F., Tynelius, P. and Gunnell, D. (2003)
    Association between psychotic disorder and urban place of birth is not mediated by obstetric complications or childhood socio-economic position: a cohort study. Psychological Medicine, 33, 723-731.
  6. Gunnell, D., Rasmussen, F., Fouskakis, D., Tynelius, P. and Harrison, G. (2003)
    Patterns of fetal and childhood growth and the development of psychosis in young males: a cohort study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 158, 291-300.
  7. Fouskakis, D., Gunnell, D., Rasmussen, F., Tynelius, P., Sipos, A. and Harrison, G. (2004)
    Is the season of birth association with psychosis due to seasonal variations in foetal growth or other related exposures? A cohort study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 109, 1-5.
  8. Korkolis, D., Tsoli, E., Fouskakis, D., Yiotis, J., Koullias, G.J., Giannopoulos, D., Papalambros, E., Patsounis, E., Asimacopoulos, P. and Gorgoulis, V.G. (2004)
    Tumor Histology and Stage but not P53, Her2-neu or Cathepsin-D Expression are Independent Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer Patients. Anticancer Research, 24, 2061-2068.
  9. Naska, A., Fouskakis, D., Oikonomou, E., Almeida, M.D.V., Berg, M.A., Gedrich, K., Moreiras, O., Nelson, M., Trygg, K., Turrini, A., Remaut, A.M., Volatier, J.L., Trichopoulou, A. and DAFNE participants (2006)
    Dietary patterns and their socio-demographic determinants in ten European countries. Data from the DAFNE databank. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 60, 181-190.
  10. Kokolakis, G., Nanopoulos, Ph. and Fouskakis, D. (2006)
    Bregman Divergences in the (m × k) - Partitioning Problem. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 668-678.
  11. Kokolakis, G. and Fouskakis, D. (2008)
    On the Discrepancy Measures for the Optimal Equal Probability Partitioning in Bayesian Multivariate Micro-aggregation. Journal of Classification, 25, 209-224.
  12. Fouskakis, D. and Draper, D. (2008)
    Comparing stochastic optimization methods for variable selection in binary outcome prediction with application to health policy. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103, 1367-1381.
  13. Fouskakis, D., Ntzoufras, I. and Draper, D. (2009)
    Bayesian variable selection using a cost-adjusted BIC, with application to cost-effective measurement of quality of health care. Annals of Applied Statistics, 3, 663-690.
  14. Kokolakis, G. and Fouskakis, D. (2009)
    Importance Partitioning in Micro-Aggregation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, 2439-2445.
  15. Fouskakis, D., Ntzoufras, I. and Draper, D. (2009)
    Population-based reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian variable selection and evaluation under cost limit restrictions. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C: Applied Statistics, 58, 383-403.
  16. Daskalakis, G., Simou, M., Zacharakis, D., Detorakis, S., Akrivos, N., Papantoniou, N., Fouskakis D. and Antsaklis, A. (2011)
    Impact of placenta previa on obstetric outcome. International Journal Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 114, 383-403.
  17. Fouskakis, D. (2012)
    Bayesian variable selection in generalized linear models using a combination of stochastic optimization methods. European Journal of Operational Research, 220, 414-422.
  18. Spanos, A., Theoharis, G., Karageorgopoulos, D.E., Peppas, G., Fouskakis, D. and Falagas, M.E. (2012)
    Surveillance of community outbreaks of respiratory tract infections based on house-call visits in the metropolitan area of Athens, Greece. PLos ONE, 7, e40310.
  19. Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2013)
    Computation for intrinsic variable selection in normal regression models via expected-posterior prior. Statistics and Computing, 23, 491-499.
  20. Fouskakis, D., Ntzoufras, I. and Draper, D. (2015)
    Power-Expected-Posterior Priors for Variable Selection in Gaussian Linear Models. Bayesian Analysis, 10, 75-107.
  21. Charitidou, E., Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2015)
    Bayesian Transformation Selection: Moving Towards a Transformed Gaussian Universe. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 43, 600-623.
  22. Fouskakis, D., Petrakos, G. and Vavouras, I. (2016)
    A Bayesian hierarchical model for comparative evaluation of teaching quality indicators in higher education. Journal of Applied Statistics, 43, 195-211.
  23. Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2016)
    Limiting behavior of the Jeffreys power-expected-posterior Bayes factor in Gaussian linear models. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 30, 299-320.
  24. Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2016)
    Power-conditional-expected priors. Using g-priors with random imaginary data for variable selection. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 25, 647-664.
  25. Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2017)
    Information consistency of the Jeffreys power-expected-posterior prior in Gaussian linear models. Metron, 75, 371-380.
  26. Fouskakis, D., Ntzoufras I. and Perrakis K. (2018)
    Power-expected-posterior priors in generalized linear models. Bayesian Analysis, 13, 721-748.
  27. Charitidou, E., Fouskakis, D., and Ntzoufras, I. (2018)
    Objective Bayesian transformation and Variable Selection using Default Bayes Factors. Statistics and Computing, 28, 579-594.
  28. Consonni, G., Fouskakis, D., Liseo, B. and Ntzoufras, I. (2018)
    Prior Distributions for Objective Bayesian Analysis. Bayesian Analysis, 13, 627-679.
  29. Fouskakis, D. (2019)
    Priors via Imaginary Training Samples of Sufficient Statistics for Objective Bayesian Hypothesis Testing. Metron, 77, 179-199.
  30. Fouskakis, D., Ntzoufras I. and Perrakis K. (2020)
    Variations of power-expected-posterior priors in normal regressions models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 143, 1-26.
  31. Fouskakis, D., Innocent, J.K. and Pericchi, L. (2020)
    Bayes factors consistency for nested linear models based on the Jeffreys power-expected-posterior prior with increasing dimensions. Statistical Theory and Related Fields, 4, 162-171.
  32. Petrakis, N., Peluso, S., Fouskakis, D. and Consonni, G. (2020)
    Objective Methods for Graphical Structural Learning. Statistica Neerlandica, 74, 420-438.
  33. Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2020)
    Bayesian Model Averaging using Power-Expected-Posterior Priors. Econometrics, 8, 17.
  34. Fouskakis, D., Petrakos, G. and Rotous, I. (2020)
    A Bayesian Longitudinal Model for Quantifying Student’s Preferences Regarding Teaching Quality Indicators. Metron, 78, 255-270.
  35. Dedos, S.G. and Fouskakis, D. (2021)
    Dataset and Validation of the Approaches to Study Skills Inventory for Students. Scientific Data, 8, 158.
  36. Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2022)
    Power-Expected-Posterior Priors as Mixtures of g-Priors in Normal Linear Models. Bayesian Analysis, 17, 1073-1099.
  37. Tzoumerkas, G., Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2022)
    A Comparison of Power–Expected–Posterior Priors in Shrinkage Regression. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 16, 61.
  38. Papachristos, A. and Fouskakis, D. (2024)
    Incorporating Subjective Survival Information in Mortality and Change in Health Status Predictions: A Bayesian Approach. Demographic Research, 50, 1071-1112.

  Δημοσιεύσεις σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίων

  1. Fouskakis, D. and Draper, D. (1998)
    Stochastic optimization methods for cost-effective quality assessment in health. COMPSTAT 1998, Proceedings in Computational Statistics, Short Communications and Posters. Harpenden: IACR-Rothamsted.
  2. Charitidou, E., Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2013)
    On Bayesian transformation selection: Problem formulation and preliminary results, Proceedings of the 26th Panhellenic Statistics Conference, 253-260.
  3. Charitidou, E., Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2014)
    On Bayesian transformation selection: Problem formulation and preliminary results. In Lanzarone, E. & Ieva, F. eds. The Contribution to Young Researchers in Bayesian Statistics. Research from BAYSM 2013, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Springer-Verlang, Berlin, 63, 11-14.
  4. Perrakis, K., Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2015)
    Bayesian variable selection for generalized linear models using the power-conditional-expected-posterior-prior. In Frühwirth-Schnatter, S., Bitto, A., Kastner, G. & Posekany, A. eds. Bayesian Statistics from Methods to Models and Applications. Research from BAYSM 2014, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Springer-Verlang, Berlin, 126, 59-73.
  5. Mpousiou, D., Lamprou, D., Toumpis, M., Katsaounou, T., Fouskakis, D., Moscholaki, M., Karathanasi, A., Gratziou, C., Zervas, E. and Katsaounou, P. (2018)
    The effect of parental smoking and smoking inside the house in the adolescents attitude towards smoking. European Respiratory Journal, 52: Suppl. 62, PA4571.
  6. Tzoumerkas, D. and Fouskakis, D. (2021)
    Using the Power-Expected-Posterior Prior in Shrinkage Regression: A Simulation Study, Proceedings of the 33rd Panhellenic Statistics Conference, 345-355.
  7. Tzoumerkas, D. and Fouskakis, D. (2022)
    Power-Expected-Posterior Methodology with Baseline Shrinkage Priors. In Raffaele Argiento, Federico Camerlenghi, Sally Paganin (eds.), New Frontiers in Bayesian Statistics, Research from BAYSM 2021, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 405, Springer, Cham, 35-44.

  Invited Discussions

  1. Fouskakis, D. (2020)
    Invited Discussion on Article by Leisen, Villa and Walker “On a Class of Objective Priors from Scoring Rules”. Bayesian Analysis, 15, 1370-1373.

  R Packages

  1. Charmpi, K., Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2023)
    PEPBVS: Bayesian Variable Selection using Power-Expected-Posterior Prior”, Version 1.0.

Δημιουργός Σελίδας: Δημήτρης Φουσκάκης